灭菌 Sterilisation
发布日期:2021-09-13 浏览次数:178

  灭菌是指消灭微生物,例如通过高于 100 摄氏度的温度。出于卫生原因,制药和食品行业中的工艺罐和管道必须定期消毒。这是通过用高于 120 摄氏度的蒸汽冲洗系统来完成的。此操作称为原位灭菌 (SIP),因为安装是原位清洁的。


  Sterilisation means eradication of microorganisms, for example by temperatures higher than 100 degrees Celsius. For hygienic reasons, process tanks and tubes in the pharmaceutical and food industries must be sterilised on a regular basis. This is done by flushing the system with vapour hotter than 120 degrees Celsius. This operation is called sterilisation-in-place (SIP) as the installation is cleaned in situ.